Round Robin Contest
Rules and Information
- The Grand Champion and if unable, the Reserve Champion of the 4-H Junior, Intermediate, Senior, plus the FFA Freshman/Sophomore and Junior/Senior from the horse, beef, swine, sheep, all goats, poultry, rabbits and cavies departments will automatically be entered into the Round Robin Contest.
- Contestants must notify either the species and the Round Robin Superintendent within 1 hour after winning their class if they CANNOT participate in the contest or they will risk forfeiting their Fitting & Showing Premiums.
- Large animals will include horse, beef, swine, and sheep and goats.
- Small animals will include rabbits, poultry, and cavies. There must be 5 animals exhibited in 4-H or FFA in each department to be eligible for the round Robin Contest.
- All large animal contestants will enter the ring with the correct species and proceed to show them for four to five minutes.
- All small animal contestants will meet at the Poultry Barn with the correct species.
- Then they will rotate to the next species and show it for the allotted time. This will continue until each contestant has shown each species.
- The showman earning the most points being judged on a 1-10 scale will be named the All-Around Showman in their age group. Should there be a tie; a tie breaker question will be asked by the Round Robin Superintendent.
- No contestant may participate in both the FFA and 4- H Round Robin contests if they qualify for both, they must choose one.
- Please meet following goat fitting & showing on Friday at the bleachers by the hog arena for instructions.
- All Round Robin Qualifiers will bring and share their own animal for the contest providing the animal is not a safety concern. Otherwise, the Superintendent for that department will find an alternative animal and will also provide handlers.
- If there is not a 4-H or FFA Grand Champion in a department, additional animals will be filled in by the respective Superintendent.
- You will be given a number to wear for the Round Robin classes.
- Awards will be awarded and announced at the Jr. Livestock Auction on Saturday morning.
- The judge’s decision is final and the way they judge is at their own discretion as long as it is consistent.
- All contestants must be in proper show attire. FFA will wear official dress and 4-H will wear jeans, boots and button-down shirts.
- All contestants must use hand sanitizer when entering and leaving the show area.
Large Animal
A belt buckle will be award to the top
- 4-H: Junior, Intermediate, and Senior Showman
- FFA: Freshman/Sophomore and Junior/Senior
Small Animal
A trophy will be awarded to the top
- 4-H: Junior, Intermediate, and Senior Showman
- FFA: Freshman/Sophomore and Junior/Senior
If you would like a copy of this department, you can download the Premium Book.

Large Animal
Jennie Wagner
4th year
Small Animal
Contact Fair Office
See you at the Lincoln County Fair & Rodeo |
August 22nd-24th |
1601 Morgan St, Davenport, Washington |
Phone: 509-725-5161 |
Email: [email protected] |