Rabbits & Cavies Department

Rules and Information

  1. Exhibitors should read all general rules, livestock rules, and health regulations before filling out entry form.
  2. Rabbits or cavies suffering from disease, sickness, or ear canker will not be accepted.
  3. List breed, color, age, sex, and ear number on the entry form.
  4. All rabbits should have a tattoo in the left ear, but is not required. A permanent marker may be used.
  5. All exhibitors must own the animals.
  6. Rabbits and cavies will be accepted from 3:00-9:00 pm on August 21st.
  7. No rabbits or cavies are to be placed in cages until they have been checked in.
  8. All rabbit and cavy exhibitors must display an educational poster.
  9. Educational posters are due August 2nd.
  10. All exhibitors will be given barn duty during the fair.
  11. In the event the number of exhibitors exceeds the space available, exhibitors will be notified on an individual basis as to when to bring their animal to be judged.
  12. No sales or trades and no breeding will be allowed in the show area.
  13. No selling of any type is not permitted in the exhibit area.
  14. No animals are to be removed from cages or taken from the barn without the knowledge and permission of the superintendent.
  15. Any animals that become ill must be removed from the exhibit area and taking home.
  16. Rabbit and cavy used for fitting & showing must be entered in a breed class.
  17. All entries must be at least 8 weeks old, except doe and litter, which must be at least 6 weeks old.
  18. Class 1 may exhibit but cannot be judged.
  19. Rabbit or Cavy food needs to be in a sealed container, no plastic bags. Please label with Exhibitors name.

Registration Information

Registration for online entries opens July 1st. All entries need to be entered at FairEntry by August 2nd.

Due Date for Entries

Entries are due in this Department on

August 21st
3:00 pm – 9:00 pm. 

Rabbits & Cavies Showing Schedule

August 24th in Rabbit Barn

Rabbit and Cavy Breed Judging: 9:00 am
Rabbit & Cavy Fitting and Showing: 1:00 pm

Rabbit and two guinea pigs.


Check out what you can enter at the
Lincoln County Fair & Rodeo

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 1
Rabbit Fitting and Showing

GC 50, RC 45, Blue 40, Red 35, White 25

Section 1: 4-H Cloverbuds
Section 2: 4-H Junior
Section 3: 4-H Intermediate
Section 4: 4-H Senior
Section 5: FFA Freshman/Sophomore
Section 6: FFA Junior/Senior
Section 7: Open Junior
Section 8: Open Teen
Section 9: Open Adult

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 2
Rabbit Breed Classes

GC 25, RC 20, Blue 15, Red 10, White 5

Section 1: Purebred Registered
Section 2: Unregister (Crossbred)

Lot 1: Small breed–Jr. Buck
Lot 2: Small breed–Jr. Doe
Lot 3: Small breed–Sr. Buck
Lot 4: Small breed–Sr. Doe
Lot 5: Large breed–Jr. Buck
Lot 6: Large breed–Jr. Doe
Lot 7: Large breed–Intermediate Buck
Lot 8: Large breed–Intermediate Doe
Lot 9: Large breed–Sr. Buck
Lot 10: Large breed–Sr. Doe
Lot 11: Meat pen-3 rabbits not over 5 lbs each and at least 60 days old & no less than 1 lb.
Lot 12: Doe with litter

Rabbit and two guinea pigs.
Division 3
Cavy Fitting and Showing

GC 25, RC 20, Blue 15, Red 10, White 5

Section 1: Purebred Registered
Section 2: Unregister (Crossbred)

Lot 1: Junior Boar–up to 4 months (12-22 oz)
Lot 2: Intermediate Boar–4-6 months (22-32 oz)
Lot 3: Senior Boar-6 months & over (over 32 oz)
Lot 4: Junior Sow
Lot 5: Intermediate Sow
Lot 6: Senior Sow
Lot 7: Sow and Litter

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 2
Cavy Breed Classes

GC 25, RC 20, Blue 15, Red 10, White 5

Section 1: Purebred Registered
Section 2: Unregister (Crossbred)

Lot 1: Junior Boar–up to 4 months (12-22 oz)
Lot 2: Intermediate Boar–4-6 months (22-32 oz)
Lot 3: Senior Boar-6 months & over (over 32 oz)
Lot 4: Junior Sow
Lot 5: Intermediate Sow
Lot 6: Senior Sow
Lot 7: Sow and Litter

See you at the Lincoln County Fair & Rodeo

August 22nd-24th

1601 Morgan St, Davenport, Washington

Phone: 509-725-5161