Rabbits & Cavies Department
Rules and Information
- Exhibitors should read all general rules, livestock rules, and health regulations before filling out entry form.
- Rabbits or cavies suffering from disease, sickness, or ear canker will not be accepted.
- List breed, color, age, sex, and ear number on the entry form.
- All rabbits should have a tattoo in the left ear, but is not required. A permanent marker may be used.
- All exhibitors must own the animals.
- Rabbits and cavies will be accepted from 3:00-9:00 pm on August 21st.
- No rabbits or cavies are to be placed in cages until they have been checked in.
- All rabbit and cavy exhibitors must display an educational poster.
- Educational posters are due August 2nd.
- All exhibitors will be given barn duty during the fair.
- In the event the number of exhibitors exceeds the space available, exhibitors will be notified on an individual basis as to when to bring their animal to be judged.
- No sales or trades and no breeding will be allowed in the show area.
- No selling of any type is not permitted in the exhibit area.
- No animals are to be removed from cages or taken from the barn without the knowledge and permission of the superintendent.
- Any animals that become ill must be removed from the exhibit area and taking home.
- Rabbit and cavy used for fitting & showing must be entered in a breed class.
- All entries must be at least 8 weeks old, except doe and litter, which must be at least 6 weeks old.
- Class 1 may exhibit but cannot be judged.
- Rabbit or Cavy food needs to be in a sealed container, no plastic bags. Please label with Exhibitors name.
Registration Information
Registration for online entries opens July 1st. All entries need to be entered at FairEntry by August 2nd. |
Due Date for Entries
Entries are due in this Department on August 21st |
Rabbits & Cavies Showing Schedule
August 24th in Rabbit Barn
Rabbit and Cavy Breed Judging: 9:00 am
Rabbit & Cavy Fitting and Showing: 1:00 pm

Check out what you can enter at the
Lincoln County Fair & Rodeo
The Divisions of the Rabbits & Cavies Department are listed below. Once you have decided what you would like to enter at the Fair & Rodeo, you can register your exhibits at FairEntry. If you would like a copy of this department, you can download the Premium Book.

Division 1
Rabbit Fitting and Showing
GC 50, RC 45, Blue 40, Red 35, White 25
Section 1: 4-H Cloverbuds
Section 2: 4-H Junior
Section 3: 4-H Intermediate
Section 4: 4-H Senior
Section 5: FFA Freshman/Sophomore
Section 6: FFA Junior/Senior
Section 7: Open Junior
Section 8: Open Teen
Section 9: Open Adult

Division 2
Rabbit Breed Classes
GC 25, RC 20, Blue 15, Red 10, White 5
Section 1: Purebred Registered
Section 2: Unregister (Crossbred)
Lot 1: Small breed–Jr. Buck
Lot 2: Small breed–Jr. Doe
Lot 3: Small breed–Sr. Buck
Lot 4: Small breed–Sr. Doe
Lot 5: Large breed–Jr. Buck
Lot 6: Large breed–Jr. Doe
Lot 7: Large breed–Intermediate Buck
Lot 8: Large breed–Intermediate Doe
Lot 9: Large breed–Sr. Buck
Lot 10: Large breed–Sr. Doe
Lot 11: Meat pen-3 rabbits not over 5 lbs each and at least 60 days old & no less than 1 lb.
Lot 12: Doe with litter

Division 3
Cavy Fitting and Showing
GC 25, RC 20, Blue 15, Red 10, White 5
Section 1: Purebred Registered
Section 2: Unregister (Crossbred)
Lot 1: Junior Boar–up to 4 months (12-22 oz)
Lot 2: Intermediate Boar–4-6 months (22-32 oz)
Lot 3: Senior Boar-6 months & over (over 32 oz)
Lot 4: Junior Sow
Lot 5: Intermediate Sow
Lot 6: Senior Sow
Lot 7: Sow and Litter

Division 2
Cavy Breed Classes
GC 25, RC 20, Blue 15, Red 10, White 5
Section 1: Purebred Registered
Section 2: Unregister (Crossbred)
Lot 1: Junior Boar–up to 4 months (12-22 oz)
Lot 2: Intermediate Boar–4-6 months (22-32 oz)
Lot 3: Senior Boar-6 months & over (over 32 oz)
Lot 4: Junior Sow
Lot 5: Intermediate Sow
Lot 6: Senior Sow
Lot 7: Sow and Litter
See you at the Lincoln County Fair & Rodeo |
August 22nd-24th |
1601 Morgan St, Davenport, Washington |
Phone: 509-725-5161 |
Email: [email protected] |