Why am I receiving a check from Lincoln County?
One the biggest questions we get after the Lincoln County Fair & Rodeo is why I am receiving a check from Lincoln County.
All exhibits entered at the Lincoln County Fair & Rodeo are judged.
When you enter an exhibit in a department at the Fair & Rodeo you receive points, aka premium points, for a specific ribbon you were awarded after the judging of all the exhibits. The ribbons that you receive premium points for your exhibits are as follows:
- Still Life Exhibits: Best of Show, Blue, Red and in some departments White ribbons receive points.
- Livestock Exhibits: Grand Champion, Reserve Champion, Blue, Red and White
You may receive other type of ribbons, People’s Choice, Commissioners Award, or trophies, however; these ribbons or trophies do not receive premium points.
There are some situations where an exhibit does not receive premium points. The exhibit was received after the deadline for all exhibits to be received by the departments or the exhibit is entered only as a display within a specific department. The Quilt department is a common place you can find exhibits that are displays only.
At the end of the Fair & Rodeo the department Superintendents tally the type of ribbon awarded for each exhibit and the information is processed by the Fair Office by transferring the ribbons into premium points.