Poultry Department
Rules and Information
- Exhibitors must read General Rules, Livestock Rules, Lincoln County Junior Livestock sale Rules and Health Regulations before filling out entry form or online with FairEntry.
- All birds must be identified according to breed and color.
- Birds in a trio or pen cannot be shown as singles.
- For the purpose of this exhibition, the terms
“cock” and “hen” shall mean birds hatched previous to current year, “cockerel” and “pullet” shall mean birds hatched in the current year. - A bird which is not physically fit/properly groomed shall NOT be shown or displayed.
- Diseased or unsightly birds will be removed from the show room.
- At the discretion of the General Livestock Superintendent or Barn Superintendent, an exhibit can be excluded from showing if the animal is not bitted or properly prepared for exhibiting at the Fair.
- All birds must be fully feathered and groomed for the Fair.
- Any birds not meeting this specification will be refused.
- Birds must be in their cages by 9:00 pm, August 21st.
- We provide dishes–bring your own feed.
- Please bring decorations for your area, plus an educational poster. See Department 2.
- Each exhibitor must be there for 1-2 hours of barn duty each day.
- Your birds must be fed and watered by 8:00 am daily and clean under your cages.
- Fitting and Showing will be judged according to M. 4263
- Cloverbuds may exhibit but cannot be judged.
- Use the description list of breeds to identify the type of breed of your bird in Breed Classes
Registration Information
Registration for online entries opens July 1st. All entries need to be entered at FairEntry by August 2nd. |
Due Date for Entries
Entries are due in this Department on August 21st |
Description of Chicken Breeds
- American-Buckeyes, Chanteclers, Delawares, Dominiques, Hollands, Javas, Jersey Giants, Lamonas, New Hampshires, Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Islands, Wyandottes
- Asiatic-Brahmas, Cochins, Langshans
- English-Australorps, Cornish, Dorkings, Orpingtons, Red Caps, Sussex
- Mediterranean-Anconas, Andalusions, Catalanas, Leghorns, Minorcas, Sicillian Buttercups, Spanish
- Continental-Campines, Crevecoeurs, Faverolles, Hamburgs, Houdans, LaFleche, Lakenvelders, Polish (Bearded & Non- Bearded)
- All other standard breeds (not Bantams)-Ameraucanas, Araucanas, Aseels, Cubalayas, Frizzles, Malays, Modern Games, Naked Necks, Old Engish Games, Phoenix, Shamos, Sultans, Sumatras, Yokohamas
- Game Bantams-Modern, Old English
- Single Comb Clean Legged Bantams other than Game Bantams)-Anconas, Andalusions, Australorps, Catalanas, Campines, Delawares, Dorkings, Frizzles, Hollands, Japanese, Javas, Jersey Giants, Lakenvelders, Lamonas, Leghorns, Minorcas, Naked Neck, New Hampshires, Orpingtons, Phoenix, Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Spanish, Sussex
- Rose Comb Clean Legged Bantams-Ameraucanas, Aracanas, Buckeyes, Chanteclers, Cornish, Crevecoeurs, Cubalayas, Houdans, LaFleche, Malays, Polish, Shamos, Sicilian Buttercups, Sumatras, Yokohamas
- All other Clean Legged Bantams-Ameraucanas, Araucanas, Buckeyes, Chanteclers, Cornish, Crevecoeurs, Cubalayas, Houdans, LaFleche, Malays, Polish Shamos, Sicilican Buttercups, Sumatras, Yokhamas
- Feather Legged Bantams-Booted, Brahmas, Cochins, Faverolles, Frizzles, Longshans, Silkies, Sultans
Description of
Goose Breeds
- Heavy Weight-Pekin, Aylesbury, Rouen, Muscovy
- Medium Weight-Cayuga, Crested, Swedish, Buff
- Light Weight-Runner, Campbell, Magpie
- Bantam-Call, East Indie, Mallard
Description of
Duck Breeds
- Heavy-Toulouse, Embden, African
- Medium-Sebastopol, Pilgrim, American
Buff, Saddleback Pomeranian - Light-Chinese, Tufted Roman, Canada, Egyptian
Description of Turkey Breeds
- Bronze
- Narragansett
- White Holland
- Black Slate
- Bourbon Red Beltsville
- Small White Royal Palm

Ramona Sandaker
2nd year
Check out what you can enter at the
Lincoln County Fair & Rodeo
The Divisions of the Poultry Department are listed below. Once you have decided what you would like to enter at the Fair & Rodeo, you can register your exhibits at FairEntry. If you would like a copy of this department, you can download the Premium Book.

Division 1
Poultry Fitting and Showing
GC 50, RC 45, Blue 40, Red 35, White 25
Section 1: 4-H Cloverbuds
Section 2: 4-H Junior
Section 3: 4-H Intermediate
Section 4: 4-H Senior
Section 5: FFA Freshman/Sophomore
Section 6: FFA Junior/Senior
Section 7: Open Junior (Ages to 12)
Section 8: Open Teen (Ages 13-18)
Section 9: Open Adult (Ages 19 & Over)

Division 2
Chicken Breed Classes
GC 25, RC 20, Blue 15, Red 10, White 5
Section 1: Pullet (under 1 year)
Section 2: Hen (over 1 year)
Section 3: Cockerel (under 1 year)
Section 4: Cock (over 1 year)
Section 5: Young Trio (under 1 year)
Section 6: Old Trio (over 1 year)
Section 7: Meat Pen-3 birds not over 16 weeks of age

Division 3
Duck Breed Classes
GC 25, RC 20, Blue 15, Red 10; White 5
Section 1: Young Hen
Section 2: Young Drake
Section 3: Hen (over 1 year)
Section 4: Drake (over 1 year)

Division 4
Geese Breed Classes
GC 25, RC 20, Blue 15, Red 10, White 5
Section 1: Young Goose
Section 2: Young Gander
Section 3: Goose (over 1 year)
Section 4: Gander (over 1 year)

Division 5
GC 25, RC 20, Blue 15, Red 10; White 5
Section 1: Young Hen
Section 2: Young Tom
Section 3: Hen (over 1 year)
Section 4: Tom (over 1 year)

Division 6
GC 25, RC 20, Blue 15, Red 10, White 5
Section 1: One Hen, any age
Section 2: One Cock, any age

Division 7
GC 25, RC 20, Blue 15, Red 10; White 5
Section 1: Young pigeon, either sex, under 1 year
Section 2: Pigeon, either sex, over 1 year
Section 3: Trio, 1 male, 2 females, any age

Division 8
Eggs (6 eggs)
GC 25, RC 20, Blue 15, Red 10, White 5
Section 1: White
Section 2: Brown
Section 3: Blue/Green
Section 4: Other
See you at the Lincoln County Fair & Rodeo |
August 22nd-24th |
1601 Morgan St, Davenport, Washington |
Phone: 509-725-5161 |
Email: [email protected] |