Sheep Department
Rules and Information
- Exhibitors need to read the General Rules, Livestock Rules, Jr. Livestock Rules and Health Regulations before filling out entry form.
- This department is open to anyone who is enrolled in 4-H or FFA and any Open exhibitors.
- All Exhibitors entries are due by August 2nd online at
- Market sheep classes will be established by the Superintendent, based on the number of animals exhibited.
- Market sheep will be shown out of wool and must be completely shown to a uniform length within 10 days prior to the first day of Fair & Rodeo.
- Market sheep must have milk teeth, baby teeth must be intact at time of processing.
- Market sheep must be shown dry and blankets removed prior to weigh in.
- Rams are not eligible to show in Market Class, only weather lambs and ewe lambs.
- Sheep breed will be declared by Exhibitor at weigh in and the classifier will either accept the declared breed classification or the sheep will be classified as a crossbred.
- Southdown breeds must weigh 85 lbs and over. All other market sheep must weigh 100 lbs to 160 lbs. Any sheep over 160 lbs will be considered overweight.
- Underweight animals will be show in under weight classes and will not be eligible for Champion or Reserved Champion classes or the Lincoln County Junior Livestock Association Sale.
- Overweight animals will be shown in overweight class and will not be eligible for Champion or Reserved Champion classes or the Lincoln County Junior Livestock Association Sale.
- After show days, blankets must be removed for the public to view the animals.
- All sheep must be cleaned and fitted before show times.
- All sheep must have a USDA Scrapie tag to qualify for entry into any class.
- All Exhibitors will be required to attend barn meeting each morning at 8:30 am.
- All Exhibitors will be required to participate in barn duty each day.
- All Exhibitors will be required to wear an Exhibitor number when in the Show Ring, exhibitor numbers will be provided by the Superintendent.
- At the end of the Fair & rodeo all Exhibitors must help take down pens and help clean before being released by the Superintendent.
- Each class of market lambs will be judged separately by weight.
- Each division for 4-H, FFA and Open will be judged separately.
- Division 1, Section 4: Sheep Fitting and Showing, entries will receive 10 points and a ribbon.
- Division 3: Sheep Breed Classes, crossbreeds may enter in lots 7 through 13.
- Division 3: Sheep Breed Classes, sheep must be shown in an individual lot to be shown in group lots.
- No cross entry between Market and Breeding Goat Classes.
- All sheep exhibits must be in pens by 9:00 pm.
- Sheep will be classified into market grades and placed within the grade.
- Sheep will be placed within each ribbon group by the official judge.
- Champions will be selected from the Market Sheep only in blue ribbon groups to compete for Grand and Reserved Champion.
- Ribbons will be used to designate the grade as follows:
Blue: Prime & Choice-superior confirmation
Red: Prime & Choice-less desirable conformation
White: Good Grade.
Registration Information
Registration for online entries opens July 1st. All entries need to be entered at FairEntry by August 2nd. |
Weigh-in Date and Time
Entries are due in this Department on August 20th, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm. |

Ashleigh Benham
2nd year
Check out what you can enter at the
Lincoln County Fair & Rodeo
The Divisions of the Sheep Department are listed below. Once you have decided what you would like to enter at the Fair & Rodeo, you can register your exhibits at FairEntry. If you would like a copy of this department, you can download the Premium Book.

Division 1
Sheep Fitting and Showing
GC 50, RC 45, Blue 40, Red 35, White 25
Section 1: 4-H Junior
Section 2: 4-H Intermediate
Section 3: 4-H Senior
Section 4: FFA Freshman/Sophomore
Section 5: FFA Junior/Senior
Section 6: Open Junior
Section 7: Open Teen
Section 8: Open Adult
Section 9: Ages 7 and under Showmanship Class-sheep will be provided, please contact the superintendent at the opening of the Fair & Rodeo

Division 2
Sheep Market Classes
GC 50, RC 45, Blue 40, Red 35, White 25
Section 1: Single Market Lamb
Section 2: Feeder Lamb

Division 3
Sheep Breed Classes
GC 50, RC 45, Blue 40, Red 35, White 25
Section 1: Purebred Registered
Section 2: Unregistered (Crossbred)
Lot 1: Spring lamb ram, less than 1 year
Lot 2: Pair spring ram lambs
Lot 3: Fall ram lamb, less than 1 year
Lot 4: Pair fall ram lambs
Lot 5: Yearling ram, over 1 & less than 2 years
Lot 6: Aged ram, 2 years or older
Lot 7: Spring ewe lamb, less than 1 year
Lot 8: Pair spring ewe lambs, less than 1 year
Lot 9: Fall ewe lamb, less than 1 year.
Lot 10: Pair fall ewe lambs
Lot 11: Yearling ewe, over 1 & less than 2 years
Lot 12: Pair yearling ewes
Lot 1 3: Aged ewe, 2 years or older
Lot 14: Flock -1 ram, 1 year or younger and 2 ewes, 1 year and younger
Lot 15: Breeders young flock-1 ram lamb, 2 ewe lambs owned by exhibitor
Lot 16: Get of sire-4 head of both sexes represented bred and owned by exhibitor
Lot 17: Best pair-2 head of both sexes represented, bred and owned by exhibitor
![]() Willow Evertt Creston Elementary School, Age 7-12 Winner Overall Winner |