Sheep Department

Rules and Information

  1. Exhibitors need to read the General Rules, Livestock Rules, Jr. Livestock Rules and Health Regulations before filling out entry form.
  2. This department is open to anyone who is enrolled in 4-H or FFA and any Open exhibitors.
  3. All Exhibitors entries are due by August 2nd online at
  4. Market sheep classes will be established by the Superintendent, based on the number of animals exhibited.
  5. Market sheep will be shown out of wool and must be completely shown to a uniform length within 10 days prior to the first day of Fair & Rodeo.
  6. Market sheep must have milk teeth, baby teeth must be intact at time of processing.
  7. Market sheep must be shown dry and blankets removed prior to weigh in.
  8. Rams are not eligible to show in Market Class, only weather lambs and ewe lambs.
  9. Sheep breed will be declared by Exhibitor at weigh in and the classifier will either accept the declared breed classification or the sheep will be classified as a crossbred.
  10. Southdown breeds must weigh 85 lbs and over. All other market sheep must weigh 100 lbs to 160 lbs. Any sheep over 160 lbs will be considered overweight.
  11. Underweight animals will be show in under weight classes and will not be eligible for Champion or Reserved Champion classes or the Lincoln County Junior Livestock Association Sale.
  12. Overweight animals will be shown in overweight class and will not be eligible for Champion or Reserved Champion classes or the Lincoln County Junior Livestock Association Sale.
  13. After show days, blankets must be removed for the public to view the animals.
  14. All sheep must be cleaned and fitted before show times.
  15. All sheep must have a USDA Scrapie tag to qualify for entry into any class.
  16. All Exhibitors will be required to attend barn meeting each morning at 8:30 am.
  17. All Exhibitors will be required to participate in barn duty each day.
  18. All Exhibitors will be required to wear an Exhibitor number when in the Show Ring, exhibitor numbers will be provided by the Superintendent.
  19. At the end of the Fair & rodeo all Exhibitors must help take down pens and help clean before being released by the Superintendent.
  20. Each class of market lambs will be judged separately by weight.
  21. Each division for 4-H, FFA and Open will be judged separately.
  22. Division 1, Section 4: Sheep Fitting and Showing, entries will receive 10 points and a ribbon.
  23. Division 3: Sheep Breed Classes, crossbreeds may enter in lots 7 through 13.
  24. Division 3: Sheep Breed Classes, sheep must be shown in an individual lot to be shown in group lots.
  25. No cross entry between Market and Breeding Goat Classes.
  26. All sheep exhibits must be in pens by 9:00 pm.
  27. Sheep will be classified into market grades and placed within the grade.
  28. Sheep will be placed within each ribbon group by the official judge.
  29. Champions will be selected from the Market Sheep only in blue ribbon groups to compete for Grand and Reserved Champion.
  30. Ribbons will be used to designate the grade as follows:
    Blue: Prime & Choice-superior confirmation
    Red: Prime & Choice-less desirable conformation
    White: Good Grade.

Registration Information

Registration for online entries opens July 1st. All entries need to be entered at FairEntry by August 2nd.

Weigh-in Date and Time

Entries are due in this Department on August 20th, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm.



Ashleigh Benham
2nd year


Check out what you can enter at the
Lincoln County Fair & Rodeo

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 1
Sheep Fitting and Showing

GC 50, RC 45, Blue 40, Red 35, White 25

Section 1: 4-H Junior
Section 2: 4-H Intermediate
Section 3: 4-H Senior
Section 4: FFA Freshman/Sophomore
Section 5: FFA Junior/Senior
Section 6: Open Junior
Section 7: Open Teen
Section 8: Open Adult
Section 9: Ages 7 and under Showmanship Class-sheep will be provided, please contact the superintendent at the opening of the Fair & Rodeo

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 2
Sheep Market Classes

GC 50, RC 45, Blue 40, Red 35, White 25

Section 1: Single Market Lamb
Section 2: Feeder Lamb

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 3
Sheep Breed Classes

GC 50, RC 45, Blue 40, Red 35, White 25

Section 1: Purebred Registered
Section 2: Unregistered (Crossbred)

Lot 1: Spring lamb ram, less than 1 year
Lot 2: Pair spring ram lambs
Lot 3: Fall ram lamb, less than 1 year
Lot 4: Pair fall ram lambs
Lot 5: Yearling ram, over 1 & less than 2 years
Lot 6: Aged ram, 2 years or older
Lot 7: Spring ewe lamb, less than 1 year
Lot 8: Pair spring ewe lambs, less than 1 year
Lot 9: Fall ewe lamb, less than 1 year.
Lot 10: Pair fall ewe lambs
Lot 11: Yearling ewe, over 1 & less than 2 years
Lot 12: Pair yearling ewes
Lot 1 3: Aged ewe, 2 years or older
Lot 14: Flock -1 ram, 1 year or younger and 2 ewes, 1 year and younger
Lot 15: Breeders young flock-1 ram lamb, 2 ewe lambs owned by exhibitor
Lot 16: Get of sire-4 head of both sexes represented bred and owned by exhibitor
Lot 17: Best pair-2 head of both sexes represented, bred and owned by exhibitor

Willow Evertt

Creston Elementary School, Age 7-12 Winner

Overall Winner

Enter your exhibits today at FairEntry