Goats Department

Rules and Information

  1. Exhibitors must read General Rules, Livestock Rules, Lincoln County Junior Livestock sale Rules and Health Regulations before filling out entry form or online with FairEntry.
  2. This department is open to anyone who is enrolled in 4-H and FFA and any Open exhibitors.
  3. Each exhibitor will be required to participate in barn duty each day.
  4. Premium money may be withheld from exhibitors who choose not to participate in barn duty.
  5. Exhibitors will be responsible for decorating their own pen(s).
  6. An educational poster is required.
  7. Exhibitors are responsible for their own feed.
  8. Availability of pens for open class will depend upon number of exhibitors and discretion of superintendent.
  9. Only does and wethers may be shown.
  10. No bucks allowed.
  11. All Fitting and Showing Classes may be shown together.
  12. All Exhibitors will be required to wear an exhibitor number when in the Show Ring, exhibitor numbers will be provided by the Superintendent.
  13. The Grand or Reserve Champion exhibitor in the Fitting & Showing class in Market, Dairy & Fiber goats will compete in the Round Robin in the large animal division with Horse, Steer, Hog & Lamb exhibitors.
  14. No cross entry between Open, 4-H, or FFA in
    any of the Divisions.
  15. In the breed classes, goats must be shown in an individual lot to be shown in group lots.
  16. Goats in the breeding classes must have their horn tips covered as a safety precaution.
  17. Market goats must be under one year of age by evidence of milk teeth.
  18. Goats under 60 lbs will show in the feeder class and will not be eligible to sell.
  19. Any goats over 115 lbs will go in heavy weight class and are not eligible for championship class.
  20. If a goat is exhibited in Division 8 (Pet Goats), it may not be exhibited in Fitting and Showing or a breed class.
  21. Each class of livestock will be judged separately by weight.
  22. Each division, 4-H, FFA and Open will be judged separately.
  23. All exhibitors must help take down pens and be cleared by Barn Superintendent before leaving.

Registration Information

Registration for online entries opens July 1st. All entries need to be entered at FairEntry by August 2nd.

Weigh-in Date and Time

Entries are due in this Department on August 20th, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm.



Ashleigh Benham
2nd year


Check out what you can enter at the
Lincoln County Fair & Rodeo

Division 1
Goats Fitting and Showing

GC 50, RC 45, Blue 40, Red 35, White 25

Section 1: 4-H Cloverbuds
Section 2: 4-H Junior
Section 3: 4-H Intermediate
Section 4: 4-H Senior
Section 5: FFA Freshman/Sophomore
Section 6: FFA Junior/Senior
Section 7: Open Junior (Ages to 12)
Section 8: Open Teen (Ages 13-18)
Section 9: Open Adult (Ages 19 & Over)

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 2
Dairy Goat Breed Classes

GC 50, RC 45, Blue 30, Red 25, White 15

Section 1: Purebred Registered
Section 2: Unregistered (Crossbred)
Lot 1: Kids (0-6 month
Lot 2: Kids (6-11 months)
Lot 3: Yearlings, dry, never fresh (under 2 years)
Lot 4: Yearling milker (under 2 years)
Lot 5: Milker (2-under 3 yrs)
Lot 6: Milker (3-under 5 yrs)
Lot 7: Milker (5 yrs and older)
Lot 8: Produce of dam, 2 does any age,
same dam
Lot 9: Dam and daughter
Lot 10: Breeders Herd, 3 goats bred & owned by exhibitor

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 3
Pygmy Goat Fitting and Showing

GC 50, RC 45, Blue 40, Red 35, White 25

Section 1: 4-H Cloverbuds
Section 2: 4-H Junior
Section 3: 4-H Intermediate
Section 4: 4-H Senior
Section 5: FFA Freshman/Sophomore
Section 6: FFA Junior/Senior
Section 7: Open Junior (Ages to 12)
Section 8: Open Teen (Ages 13-18)
Section 9: Open Adult (Ages 19 & Over)

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 4
Pygmy Goat Breed Classes

GC 50, RC 45, Blue 30, Red 25, White 15

Section 1: Purebred Registered
Section 2: Unregistered (Crossbred)
Lot 1: Jr. wethers (0-9 months)
Lot 2: Int. wethers (9-18 months)
Lot 3: Sr. wethers (over 18 months)
Lot 4: Jr. doe kids (never freshened) 0-6 months
Lot 5: Sr. doe kids (never freshened) over 6-12 months
Lot 6: Yearling does (have freshened)
Lot 7: Does (2-5 yrs old)
Lot 8: Does (over 5 yrs old)
Lot 9: Produce of dam, 2 does any age,
same dam
Lot 10: Dam and daughter
Lot 11: Breeders Herd, 3 goats bred & owned by exhibitor

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 5
Fiber Goat Breed Classes

GC 50, RC 45, Blue 30, Red 25, White 15

Section 1: Purebred Registered
Section 2: Unregistered (Crossbred)
Lot 1: Doe kid (0-6 months)
Lot 2: Doe kid (6-11 months)
Lot 3: Yearling doe (1-2 yrs)
Lot 4: Adult doe (2-5 yrs)
Lot 5: Adult doe (5 yrs & older)
Lot 6: Jr. wether (0-1 yr)
Lot 7: Int. wether (1-2 yrs)
Lot 8: Sr. wether (3 yrs & older)
Lot 9: Produce of dam, 2 does any age,
same dam
Lot 10: Dam and daughter
Lot 11: Breeders Herd, 3 goats bred & owned by exhibitor

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 6
Market Goats

GC 50, RC 45, Blue 30, Red 25, White 15

Section 1: Single market goat, any breed
Section 2: Feeder market goat

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Division 7
Goat Breed Classes

GC 50, RC 45, Blue 30, Red 25, White 15

Section 1: Purebred Registered
Section 2: Unregistered (Crossbred)
Lot 1: Junior Does (never freshened) 0-6 months
Lot 2: Junior Does (never freshened) 6-11 months
Lot 3: Yearling Does under 2 years
Lot 4: Senior Does (have freshened) 2-5 years
Lot 5: Senior Does (have freshened) 5 years & older
Lot 6: Produce of dam, 2 does any age, same dam
Lot 7: Dam and daughter
Lot 8: Breeders Herd, 3 goats bred & owned by

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 8
Pet Goats

If a goat is exhibited in this division, the animal may not be exhibited in Fitting and Showing or a breed class. This division is for pets only.

Section 1: 4-H Cloverbuds
Section 2: 4-H Junior
Section 3: 4-H Intermediate
Section 4: 4-H Senior
Section 5: FFA Freshman/Sophomore
Section 6: FFA Junior/Senior
Section 7: Open Junior (Ages to 12)
Section 8: Open Teen (Ages 13-18)
Section 9: Open Adult (Ages 19 & Over)

See you at the Lincoln County Fair & Rodeo

August 22nd-24th

1601 Morgan St, Davenport, Washington

Phone: 509-725-5161