
Floral Department

Rules and Information

  1. Entries received after 8:30 am on August 22nd may be displayed but will not be judged.
  2. Danish system of judging will be used for all exhibits.
  3. All exhibits must be grown by the exhibitor, except in Division 1: Decorative Design.
  4. Identify or name your exhibit as specifically as possible as this is highly educational to the viewing public and a credit in judging.
  5. Exhibitors must furnish and be responsible for their own containers and accessories in Division 1: Decorative Design.
  6. No artificial flowers or foliage may be used in flower arrangements.
  7. Please keep arrangements in show condition through end of the Fair by replacing any wilted flowers/foliage as necessary.
  8. When section calls for SPRAY, this is the branching portion of plant with 2 or more blooms open and showing color on a stem cut from main stalk.
  9. When section calls for 3 BLOOMS, judges are looking for 3 as identically matched blooms as possible with all stems of same length.
  10. Specimen blooms must have accompanying foliage except where noted.
  11. Superintendent reserves the right to remove from display and exhibit or part thereof which is not kept up to show quality.
  12. Glass containers will be provided for all entries in Division 2.
  13. Exhibitors must check with Superintendent to be sure room is available for inside displays entries in Division 3.
  14. All entries with wild flowers must identify the flowers by names.
  15. No premium points for white ribbons for adults.
  16. There will be a People’s Choice Award.
  17. Best of Show ribbon will be awarded as judge sees fit.
  18. If an exhibit is unworthy of an award, “N/A” will show on entry tag to show entry was judged and overlooked.

Registration Information

Registration for online entries opens July 1st. All entries need to be entered  at FairEntry by August 19th.

Due Date for

Entries are due in this Department on August 21st, 3:00 pm – 9:00 pm or August 22nd, 7:30 am to 8:30 am.

Flower Arrangement Score Care

  1. Arrangement or design: 30 points
  2. Color harmony: 20 points
  3. Relation of material used: 15 points
  4. Distinctiveness: 20 points
  5. Quality and condition: 15 points


Val Vissa
2nd year

Check out what you can enter in the Floral Department at the
Lincoln County Fair & Rodeo

The Divisions of the Floral Department are listed below. Once you have decided what you would like to enter at the Fair & Rodeo, you can register your exhibits at FairEntry. If you would like a copy of this department, you can download the Premium Book.

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Division 1
Decorative Design

Best 25, Blue 20, Red 15, White 0

Section 1: Tiny bouquet not over 5″
Section 2: An arrangement of your choice using either fresh or dried materials
Section 3: Animal Critters-an animal made from fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, etc. No man-made materials.
Section 4: Metal
Section 5: Glass
Section 6: Other

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Division 2
Floriculture-Specimen Blooms

Best 25, Blue 15, Red 10, White 5

Section 1: African Violets-potted, variegated flower
Section 2: Asters-3 blooms of each color
Section 3: Cactus-Chain, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving types
Section 4: Cactus-Any flowering-budding or blooming
Section 5: Cactus-Other types of cactus
Section 6: Calendula-3 blooms of each color
Section 7: Cosmos-3 blooms of each color
Section 8: Chrysanthemum-3 inches and over, 1 bloom
Section 9: Chrysanthemum-Under 3 inches; 3 blooms or 1 spray
Section 10: Dahlias-1 bloom with no buds and with 1 or more attached leaves
Section 11: Dahlias-3 blooms with same type or color with leaves, no buds
Section 12: Daisies-Gloriosa, 3 blooms of each color or kind
Section 13: Daisies-Shasta, 3 blooms of each color or kind
Section 14: Daisies-Other types, 3 blooms or 1 spray
Section 15: Geraniums-Martha Washington, 1 spray each color
Section 16: Geraniums-Zonal, 1 flower head with leaves
Section 17: Geraniums-Ivy leaf, scented, other, 1 stem with leaves
Section 18: Gladioli-1 spike of each color or kind, foliage not necessary
Section 19: House Plants-Flowering
Section 20: House Plants-Foliage
Section 21: Leaf, Fresh Cut-Caladium, remove 1 leaf from plant and put in vase with water
Section 22: Leaf, Fresh Cut-Elephant Ear, remove 1 leaf from plant and put in vase with water
Section 23: Leaf, Fresh Cut-Fern, remove 1 leaf from plant and put in vase with water
Section 24: Leaf, Fresh Cut-Hosta, remove 1 leaf from plant and put in vase with water
Section 25: Leaf, Fresh Cut-Other leaf types, remove 1 leaf from plant and put in vase with water
Section 26: Marigolds: Large type, 1 bloom, each color or kind, no buds

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Section 27: Marigolds-Dwarf type, 3 blooms each color or kind
Section 28: Nasturtium-3 blooms each color or kind
Section 29: Orchids: Must be in bloom, may be mounted, stand furnished by exhibitor
Section 30: Pansies and Violas-3 blooms each color or kind
Section 31: Petunias-1 spray each color and kind
Section 32: Phlox- Perennial, 1 stalk
Section 33: Phlox-Annual, 3 stems or 1 spray
Section 34: Roses-Tea roses, one bloom each color and kind
Section 35: Roses-Floribunda/Grandiflora, 1 spray
Section 36: Roses-Climbing, 1 spray
Section 37: Roses-Miniature, 1 spray or 1 single bloom
Section 38: Snapdragons-3 stems each color or kind
Section 39: Sunflowers-Miniature
Section 40: Sunflowers-3 to 5 inches
Section 41: Sunflowers-Over 5 inches
Section 42: Sweetpeas-3 stems each color
Section 43: Strawflowers & Ornamental Grasses- 3 stems each color & kind, ornamental grass in pots
Section 44: Tuberous Flowers–Begonias, Cannas, Lilies, etc: 1 Stem each color and kind
Section 45: Vines, Fresh Cut-Clematis, 12 to 18 inches, no blooms
Section 46: Vines, Fresh Cut-Honeysuckle, 12 to 18 inches, no blooms
Section 47: Vines, Fresh Cut-Other types, 12 to 18 inches, no blooms
Section 48: Zinnias-Large type, 1 stem each color and kind, need foliage
Section 49: Zinnias-Dwarf and Pom-Pom, 3 stems each color and kind, need foliage
Section 50: Zinnias-Pom-Pom, 3 stems each color and kind, need foliage
Section 51: Baskets: Must have handle, minimum of 5 blooms, mix or match colors or varieties, natural fillers allowed
Section 52: Planters, dish gardens, terrariums, no fake flowers
Section 53: Other varieties not listed, for small specimens, use 3 blooms each color and kind or one spray

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Division 3
Floriculture-Fair Beautification

Best 50, Blue 40, Red 20, White 10

Judged on Decorative Design Score Card

Section 1: Outside Display: Use live materials in 1 or more tubs or planter boxes
Section 2: Inside Display or Decorative Display: Use inanimate objects (e.g., toys, figurines, antiques, memorabilia, etc . . .), plants and/or flowers may be used in conjunction with display

See you at the Lincoln County Fair & Rodeo

August 22nd-24th

1601 Morgan St, Davenport, Washington

Phone: 509-725-5161