Beef Department

Rules and Information

  1. All brand slips and Quality Assurance papers need to be delivered to the superintendents at weigh-in time, no paperwork, no weigh.
  2. Exhibitors should read General Rules, Livestock Rules, Jr. Livestock Sale Rules and Health Regulations before filling out entry forms.
  3. See Jr. Livestock Sale Rules for additional rules.
  4. See Livestock Rules for WSDA brand inspection regulations.
  5. All beef entries are to be taken care of by the designated exhibitor, unless the Superintendent is notified of who is being left in charge.
  6. Exhibitors to furnish feed and water containers.
  7. Check with barn superintendent about bedding.

Registration Information

Registration for online entries opens July 1st. All entries need to be entered at FairEntry by August 2nd.

Weigh-in Date and Time

Entries are due in this Department on August 21st, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Carcass Evaluation and Educational Program

Sponsored by the Lincoln County Cattlemen’s Association

  1. To create an awareness of current market demands.
  2. To provide recognition to exhibitors and breeders for producing high value carcasses.
  3. To provide information about carcasses being produced in youth shows.
  4. To help identify selection, breeding, nutrition,
    and management practices that will result in desirable carcasses.
  5. To provide educational experiences and improve the public image of youth shows.

Requirements for the Washington Steer of Merit

  1. Hot Carcass Weight must be at least 600 pounds, but not more than 900 pounds.
  2. Minimum Rib-Eye Area. B
  3. Based on carcass weight, the sliding-scale requirement is derived from the USDA Yield Grade equation. The minimum rib-eye requirement using the sliding-scale method would be equal to or greater (Hot Carcass Weight x .012) + 3.8 or: Hot Carcass Weight Minimum Rib-Eye Requirement
  4. Maximum Yield Grade. 2.9 or lower
  5. Quality Grade. Low Choice or better.
  6. Carcasses must be determined acceptable and free from defects which may significantly reduce carcass value.
  7. Average Daily Gain. Minimum of 2.5 pounds per day fed for a minimum of 100 days before the show.
  8. Steers must be entered in the “Rate of Gain Contest”.
  9. Trophies will be awarded all Steer of Merit winners.


Tim Lewis
5th year


Special Awards

A buckle will be awarded to the overall 4-H, FFA or Open Grand Champion Beef Showmanship

A buckle will be awarded to the overall 4-H, FFA or Open Grand Champion Market Steer

Judging of Steers and Ribbon Awards

  1. Each Class of livestock will be judged separately by weight.
  2. Each division, 4-H, FFA and Open will be judged separately.
  3. Livestock will be classified into market grades and placed within the grade.
  4. Ribbons will be used to designate the grade.
  5. The class champions and reserves of all groups will be back for the overall Barn Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion.

Check out what you can enter at the
Lincoln County Fair & Rodeo

The Divisions of the Beef Department are listed below. Once you have decided what you would like to enter at the Fair & Rodeo, you can register your exhibits at FairEntry. If you would like a copy of this department, you can download the Premium Book.

Division 1
Beef Fitting and Showing

GC 50, RC 45, Blue 40, Red 35, White 25

Section 1: 4-H Junior
Section 2: 4-H Intermediate
Section 3: 4-H Senior
Section 4: FFA Fresh/Sophomore
Section 5: FFA Junior/Senior
Section 6: Open Junior
Section 7: Open Teen
Section 8: Open Adult

Division 2
Beef Market Classes

GC 90, RC 80, Blue 70, Red 60, White 40

Section 1: Market Steer
Section 2: Prospect Steer (non sale)

Division 3
Breeding Beef

GC 50, RC 45, Blue 40, Red 35, White 25

Section 1: Bull (over 2 months, under 1 year)
Section 2: Bull (1 yr under 2 yrs old/4-H year)
Section 3: Jr. Heifer (2 months-under 1 yr)
Section 4: Heifer (1 yr & under 2 yr)
Section 5: Cow calf pair
Section 6: Produce of dam: 2 or more from same dam owned by one exhibitor
Section 7: Get of sire-3 offspring representing both sexes owned by one exhibitor from 1 sire

Division 4
Dairy Fitting and Showing

GC 50, RC 45, Blue 40, Red 35, White 25

Section 1: 4-H Junior
Section 2: 4-H Intermediate
Section 3: 4-H Senior
Section 4: FFA Freshman/Sophomore
Section 5: FFA Junior/Senior
Section 6: Open Junior
Section 7: Open Teen
Section 8: Open Adult

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 5
Breeding Dairy

GC 50, RC 45, Blue 40, Red 35, White 25

Section 1: Bull (over 2 months, under 1 year)
Section 2: Bull (1 yr, under2 yrs old/4-H year)
Section 3: Jr. Heifer (2 months-under 1 yr)
Section 4: Heifer (1 yr & under 2 yr)
Section 5: Produce of dam: 2 or more from same dam owned by one exhibitor
Section 6: Get of sire-3 offspring representing both sexes owned by one exhibitor from 1 sire

See you at the Lincoln County Fair & Rodeo

August 22nd-24th

1601 Morgan St, Davenport, Washington

Phone: 509-725-5161