Ambassador Obligations and Rules of Conduct Contract
Ambassador Obligations:
- Promote and represent the Lincoln County Fair with public appearances, publicity, endorsements, photographs, etc. selected by Lincoln County Fair Board
- Mandatory appearances at the Lincoln County Fair and Rodeo • Appearances at Fair may include but not be limited to the following: Meet and greets at the gate, assisting at awards, set up and assist with livestock sale, assist with overall production of fair as needed.
- Create an educational display to be displayed during fair.
- Serve as Ex-Officio Board member during your term. Share in the duties of having one Ambassador attend the monthly board meetings to report on activities and appearances.
- Participate in the Fair wrap up,providing suggestions and comments on the Fair outcome.
- Purchase 1 pair of pants selected by Ambassador Committee (shirts will be provided). Clean attire is worn at all times.
Ambassador Rules of Conduct:
Every Lincoln County Ambassador becomes a representative of the highest ideals of the Lincoln County Fair. What is said and done is magnified many times for good or bad.
The Lincoln County Fair Advisory Board (LCFAB) is solely responsible for the rules governing the Ambassador Program. If rules are not practiced, the offending Ambassador is subject to warning, probation, and review by the LCFAB and appropriate action will be taken on a case by case basis.
The LCFAB reserves the right to relieve any Ambassador of his or her title. If the Ambassador resigns or is relieved of his or her title, he or she will be required to return all clothing and accessories purchased by the LCFAB or Friends of the Lincoln County Fair.
Ambassadors are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner during the Lincoln County Fair and at any time they are representing the Ambassador Program.
- Courtesy and respect should be practiced at all times. Ambassadors should model good behavior, act inclusively, demonstrate sound judgement, always use wholesome and appropriate language. Ambassadors are in the public eye and are considered role models, representing the Lincoln County Fair.
- While participating in the Lincoln County Ambassador program, there is zero tolerance for use of alcohol, tobacco or illegal substance use. • Friends, including boyfriends/girlfriends, are not allowed to “tag along” in any official appearances with Ambassador.