4-H in Action

4-H in Action Department

Rules and Information

  1. Division 1: 4-H Table Setting-Decorate a 60″ round table for a setting of 6. You can use any theme to decorate your table. Entries must be submitted by August 2nd.
  2. Division 2: Preparing Nutritious Foods-Create a photo story board of preparing your favorite foods. Include recipes and details of why this your favorite nutritious foods.
  3. Cloverbud members will receive 10 points for each exhibit.
  4. No ribbon will be given for poor quality work.
  5. Contact the department Superintendent or the WSU Extension Office, 509-725-4171, for more information.

Registration Information

Registration for online entries opens July 1st. All entries need to be entered  at FairEntry by August 19th.

Due Date for

Entries are due in this Department on

August 21st
3:00 pm – 9:00 pm. 

4-H Clover


Lorraine May (10th year)

Check out what you can enter in the 4-H in Action Department at the Lincoln County Fair & Rodeo

The Divisions of the 4-H in Action Department are listed below. Once you have decided what you would like to enter at the Fair & Rodeo, you can register your exhibits at FairEntry. If you would like a copy of this department, you can download the Premium Book.

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 1
4-H Table Setting

Best 20, Blue 15, Red 10, White 5

Decorate a 60″ round table for a setting of 6. You can use any theme to decorate your table. Entries must be submitted by August 2nd.

Section 1: Table setting

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 2
Preparing Nutritious Foods

Best 20, Blue 15, Red 10, White 5

Create a photo story board of preparing your favorite foods. Include recipes and details of why this your favorite nutritious foods.

Section 1: Dinner
Section 2: Lunch
Section 3: Breakfast
Section 4: Snack
Section 5: Baking

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 3
My Favorite Outfit

Best 20, Blue 15, Red 10, White 5

Showcase your favorite outfit that you made or purchased, accessories can be included with the outfit. The Fair Office will provide a dressmaker form for your outfit. Entries must be submitted by August 2nd.

Section 1: My Favorite Outfit

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 4
4-H Club Activity

Best 20, Blue 15, Red 10, White 5

Create a photo story board of your favorite 4-H Club activity for the 2023-2024 year.

Section 1: Favorite 4-H Club Activity

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 5
4-H Individual Project

Best 20, Blue 15, Red 10, White 5

Create a photo story board of your favorite 4-H project for the 2023-2024 year.

Section 1: Favorite 4-H Individual Project

Fair & Rodeo Logo
Division 6
Reuse and Recycle Challenge

Best 20, Blue 15, Red 10, White 5

Create a reusable or recycled item from any of the sections.

Section 1: Clothing
Section 2: Wood
Section 3: Metal
Section 4: Plastic

Willow Evertt

Creston Elementary School, Age 7-12 Winner

Overall Winner

Enter your exhibits today at FairEntry